Individuality is the new fashion statement, whether as an individual or as a group. Let yourself or your team stand out from amongst the crowd with a distinctive varsity jacket or letterman jacket. Be bold, be loud, be distinctive. The younger generation nowadays are all about leaving an impression. They try to manifest their individuality with a lot of new things. A lot of their possessions are reflections of their personalities. One way to really express themselves is with their choice of clothing and apparels. Rockers articulate their style with rugged clothes, Hip-hop fanatics express themselves with the use of bling blings while athletes and jocks manifest their presence by wearing varsity letter jackets. The idea of wearing a particular apparel is not only a manifestation of individuality but also gives the wearer a sense of belongingness.
Letterman jackets can be traced way back to the 1860s simultaneously with the advent of organized sports. When team sports was conceptualized, distinguishing one team from another became a problem thus, the idea of wearing uniforms came into existence.
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Letterman jackets can be traced way back to the 1860s simultaneously with the advent of organized sports. When team sports was conceptualized, distinguishing one team from another became a problem thus, the idea of wearing uniforms came into existence.
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